There is a procedure that is taught. We have a witness protection coordinator course that is two weeks long. Through scenarios, it covers that very type of instance.
But when a person does something outside of that protection agreement, they are served with a written notice that's standardized across the country. It's a breach form, and it outlines the exact reasons why you have breached your protection agreement.
If it's a serious breach ,we may at that point refer it to be terminated at that time. It may be that you have breached your protection agreement because you've committed a criminal offence. At that point we do the paper work. There is a form designed for all the workers in this area across the country. It outlines in detail exactly what that serious breach was, why they are being terminated, what our obligations are, and how to contact us if they're not in agreement with the reasons for termination. It gives them a period of time to get legal counsel and come back to the witness protection coordinator to say, “I don't agree with your reasons for termination.”