Perhaps Greg would have other information to add.
I do know that there has been comment that DNA profiles should be treated just like fingerprints. Then when you make analogies to situations in which parents.... And there are programs with different police forces and schools to have their children fingerprinted for such proactive persons. I have heard tell that some private companies are offering this service to parents in the United States and other places.
As far as that happening on a national basis, I think we have been focused on this purpose in this context. That debate hasn't advanced forward. The idea comes up around the concept of DNA and its public interest uses a number of times, but in terms of this work, we're not expanding a bit further.
It's not to say that once an MPI index is established that other uses, such as in natural disasters, other things like that...there might be expansions of scope in that regard, or perhaps the military or others may want to proactively sample their personnel, but that's not part of this exercise at this point in time, if that gets at your question.