Thank you. It shouldn't take long.
Thank you very much for your presentation.
I have Canada's largest medium-security correctional institution in my riding and was very happy to take a tour to see the operation. I was quite impressed by the CORCAN operation there, not only the operation, but the fact that it's using modern equipment, computerized equipment. I'm told by people who run factories in my riding that those are the kinds of individuals they need, people who know how to use computers to operate machinery, because we know that's the way of the future. I was also impressed with the quality of the goods produced by the CORCAN operation.
I believe--and you can correct me if I'm wrong--that people who are engaged in that particular operation and learn the trade actually earn an increase in their per diem--I call them allowances--or their paycheque, actually, which helps them go a long way in their lives in the institution and accounts for reduced time in the institution.
Am I correct so far in that?