I think if we had the appropriate counterbalances to ensure that what they are confiscating is counterfeit, perhaps it would be helpful. As I think we already heard, though, that strikes many as a difficult burden to put on border security.
I note, in many instances, that the umbrella of counterfeiting begins to include things like grey market. Just in the last couple of months the Supreme Court of Canada heard a case where you had one company trying to stop the importation of chocolate—this literally involves Toblerone—in arguing that the design of the mountain was copyright infringent. It was legitimate chocolate that was being brought in.
I have some concerns that if we pressure border authorities, in some instances they may not only confiscate the stuff we might agree we want to see confiscated, but they may venture into legitimate products that don't pose health and safety issues and that in fact are legal to be sold in this country.