To clarify one point, we have access to the federal program any day of the week. It's available to us, but it's on a cost-recovery basis. If we access the program, it's entirely on our dime. It's complete cost recovery, based upon a bill-back from the RCMP. So it is available to us.
What would we like to see? We currently enjoy the flexibility and the speed with which we can get people into a protective area of safety. If we were to envisage a system in relation to the federal witness protection program, we would envisage one that had a very flat decision-making process, with the funding, as I say, not to be provided to our organization but to be provided, perhaps, to the RCMP or the Department of Justice. I do not want to enter into a debate between the two agencies, but the funding would be provided so that it could facilitate a know, here's a witness, we need protection, and then the mechanics would already be there.
Right now that exists on the provincial side.