In the first instance, I'm very fortunate to have three very experienced detectives who have excellent intuitive skills in dealing with individuals who potentially could be entering into the program. There's an entire background check process. They interview the individual. They speak to the investigating officer. They speak to the prosecuting crown attorney. Now, this is outside of the actual crown attorney who oversees the witness protection program; it's completely outside of it. Through the discussions of those individuals, they come together with a consensus as to the credibility. As I say, there are no guarantees. They discuss the credibility, the veracity of the information the individual is providing, and they assess that in terms of their current circumstances and their past history in terms of their dealings with the police. So it's an all-encompassing assessment process.
It happens very quickly. I can tell you that the assessments I receive to approve are two inches thick; they have a great deal of material on the individual. They talk about their debts. They talk about their educational background. They talk about what jobs they've held, what criminal investigations they've been involved in. It's an all-encompassing process, and it has worked for us; it is working for us.