Good morning, Mr. Chair and honourable members of the committee. Thank you for taking the time to hear from the CACP on this very important issue.
I'm here representing Chief of Police William Blair, who is co-chair of the organized crime committee for the CACP but is unable to attend today.
My name is Steve Izzett, and I'm a police officer with the Toronto Police Service. I hold the rank of staff inspector and I'm currently assigned as the unit commander responsible for intelligence services. Part of my responsibility includes carrying out the delegated authority of the chief of police in the delivery of the witness protection program for the Toronto Police Service.
One of the pillars of law enforcement, and the main ingredient of maintaining a healthy, vibrant, and safe community, is the participation of members of the community in dealing with issues of crime and disorder. This participation must be supported by the community at large, including the police, the crowns, and all levels of government. Individuals must feel free to come out openly and assist the police without fear of reprisal or intimidation.
Unfortunately, it has been our experience that this is not always the case; there are some groups or individuals who malign, intimidate, or strike out at those very witnesses who come forward, thus creating a perpetual cycle of fear and a disincentive to cooperation. This adversely impacts upon our ability to detect and prevent crime, while permitting the continued perpetration of violence by the very individuals who have escaped justice and are invoking that same fear and intimidation upon potential witnesses.
While you respectfully contemplate the current Witness Protection Program Act, it is my desire with this testimony to provide you with a full perspective from the local municipal law enforcement level. In order to do this, I will be referring to the program we have the most experience with, the witness protection program fully funded and administered by the Ministry of the Attorney General for the Province of Ontario. As you move forward, you may consider some of the points I raise here today and can perhaps place them in the proper context with the current federal witness protection program. This is an on-the-ground perspective; all officers administering this program within the city of Toronto work directly for me, and all the paperwork relating to this program is reviewed and approved by me.
The most important distinction I would like to make here today is that the delivery of witness protection should not be limited in perspective to your stereotypical witness who provided key testimony in securing a conviction of a major organized crime figure and who required relocation, a new identity, and placement for life. At the municipal level, it can be much more local in nature but have an equally devastating impact upon a community if not investigated and properly resolved by the police. A viable and effective witness protection program must have the capacity and flexibility to deal with issues at all levels of criminality.
Another important distinction is that not all witnesses desire to be relocated with full protection and identity changes. Some have no interest in even signing up for the conditions of the program but may be interested in a one-time relocation for their own protection. There must be flexibility in satisfying the needs of a witness, to the point where they feel they are no longer in harm's way. This flexibility improves the trust and cooperation of individuals with the police and restores and builds their faith in the justice system. They represent actions that pay dividends long after the entire process has concluded.
In the mid-1990s, the Toronto Police Service began to regularly encounter investigations wherein gunshots were fired in the middle of a public venue, with 300 or so onlookers, and with a deceased person lying on the ground and homicide investigators facing the 300 or so onlookers, all claiming to have been in the washroom, an area three feet by three feet. This is not an exaggeration, and, sadly, it did not happen just once or twice; unfortunately, it is still a challenge we face from time to time. It is symptomatic of the mindset individuals have when contemplating participation in the process of justice. There was, and continues to be, this persistent wall of silence.
Our goal has been, and always will be, to gain the trust and confidence of members within these communities, with assurances that protection will be afforded to them if they can come forward and provide testimony. We have made advances towards this end but still have much work ahead of us. We cannot do it alone; we do not have the financial wherewithal or the infrastructure to carry out this function on our own.
The Toronto Police Service first formed a witness protection unit in 1980. This program has evolved and developed through the cooperation and partnership forged between our service and the Ministry of the Attorney General in the Province of Ontario, who had the foresight and conviction to develop and fund a program, working closely with local law enforcement in the development process. This program has evolved over the years and is continually improving through the conscientious desire and commitment of all those involved in its delivery and administration.
This program deals specifically with provincial matters falling within the prosecutorial jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Attorney General for the Province of Ontario. It does not include federal prosecutions.
The process is very simple and streamlined. The infrastructure and support for protecting witnesses from all levels of criminality, ranging from homicides to domestic violence to organized crime, is in place. There is no middle tier of decision-making in the process, no bureaucracy, no red tape, and no lengthy delay while awaiting approval. Officers assigned to witness protection speak directly with the decision-makers at the ministry.
In order for a candidate to be accepted into the program, he or she must first agree to a number of conditions. Not all accept these terms and conditions, and as a result, they may decide not to enter the program while still providing testimony.
The officers assigned to witness protection are in constant contact with ministry staff and review each case to determine whether individuals are suitable for the program. This assessment period is very short and does not preclude temporary protection while steps are being taken to ensure that all the terms and conditions are met for admittance to the program. Notwithstanding this review process, there is an understanding that if officers require an immediate temporary relocation for safety reasons, provided they are acting in good faith, all expenses will be covered in relation to that relocation, even if the individual is not ultimately accepted into the program.
It is this flexibility and autonomy and decision-making at 2 o'clock in the morning that makes the process credible and inspires trust among members of the community. All expenses in relation to relocation, including travel that may be required, are paid for by the ministry, while all salaries for the officers and clerical staff are covered by the Toronto Police Service.
The ingredients that make the Ontario witness protection program successful include unencumbered access to emergency funds for placement, autonomous decision-making, and the lack of tiers in the decision-making process. Alternatively, when we look at our experience with the federal Witness Protection Program Act of 1996, we really have had few experiences to draw from where Toronto assumed responsibility for protecting a witness in a federal prosecution.
The Toronto Police Service has had a longstanding and excellent working relationship with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on many successful joint forces investigations and other related and equally compelling projects. It has been during these joint forces investigations, where there has been a need identified to protect the witness in a federal prosecution, that the RCMP, as a partner in the investigation, has accepted responsibility. Without this sponsorship or assumption of responsibility, if you will, by the RCMP, the process would require that each individual law enforcement agency cover all expenses in relation to a witness protected for a federal prosecution. These costs, depending upon the situation, can prove to be daunting for local police services, and as a result, there have been very few federal witnesses placed in the witness protection program by the Toronto Police Service. While we appreciate and value our relationship with the RCMP, we cannot possibly partner on each and every investigation we undertake when in most instances we are expected to go it alone in terms of absorbing all costs associated with witness protection and the relocation of federal prosecutions.
The majority of these joint forces operations involve drug importation investigations. The major challenges facing the City of Toronto, which are the subject of constant enforcement and interdiction under our current Toronto anti-violence intervention strategy, are the open-air drug markets at both the street level and the mid-level. Can you imagine the added dimension of enforcement we could exploit if we could afford proper protection for witnesses involved in federal prosecutions? It would significantly enhance our ability to disrupt and dismantle some of the criminal organizations causing havoc within our communities.
In closing, the concept of witness protection facilitates the free flow of information to the police and supports witnesses, who are the foundation of our justice system. People should feel free to come forward and provide witness information. The success of the provincial witness protection program in the province of Ontario has provided the Toronto Police Service with an ability to gain trust in communities that have little faith in the police or in the justice system. It brings integrity into the justice system.
The current system in Ontario is a model that should be replicated. The Province of Ontario fully acknowledges and accepts responsibility for dealing with witnesses in a manner that facilitates cooperation and enables the police to fully protect individual witnesses, if required. Consideration should be given to augmenting the existing provincial program to enable federal prosecutions to be coordinated through the existing infrastructure that is already housed within this model.
Those are my comments.
Thank you.