Well, certainly. The legislation itself will not allow the RCMP to agree specifically with a provincial government to fund. So in Manitoba, for instance, if Winnipeg has a person we'd like to put into federal witness protection, we have to go to the RCMP and discuss it with them. Before any agreement is made, we then have to go to the province to secure their willingness to pay for it. In a nutshell, what happens is the RCMP provides us with a contract to the Winnipeg Police Service, saying, “You will pay the costs.” This is no fault of the RCMP, of course; this is the way the act is set out: you will pay for this particular witness to go into the program, which can be well over $100,000 and beyond. The Winnipeg Police Service can't do that, so then we turn to the province for help. The province will then say to us, “All right, we agree that this person should go into the program. We agree to enter into a supplemental agreement with you, Winnipeg, to pay any bills that you are obligated to pay as a result of your agreement with the RCMP.” It's kind of a long way around making an agreement to pay for specific witnesses.
If there's an amendment to that, clearly an amendment to allow the RCMP to contract directly with provincial representatives, that would be useful. Then, hand in hand with that, section 14 on the agreements, by allowing them to make the agreement with the province, would allow the money to flow.