Unfortunately, we've had that experience too, and we are going through it right now, as a matter of fact. There's a rise in shootings.
We have two other types of programs. One is called the short-term relocation program, and this is one that started in Washington, D.C., where we had drive-by shootings and shootings where people who live on one block shoot somebody on the second block. They're not farther away than that. We remove them for a short term so that the witnesses who come forward know they can be kept safe for a short term, and in our judgment they would be safe going home again.
So that was one program. They would be gone typically 90 days, 120 days, perhaps till after the trial was over, and when that defendant went to jail, the threat was gone.
Then there is a third program in which the United States attorney can determine that his or her witness simply needs up to $4,000 to move to a hotel someplace three blocks away or 30 blocks away, and I'll supply some money to get that person out of town for a short period of time. In other words, the person doesn't need a new identity, doesn't need job help, doesn't need help with doctors, that sort of thing, and that would be the third way.
The witness program that we're talking about is meant for organizations that have the capability of chasing after witnesses and finding them, and in drive-by shootings, those typically are not the types of people who have that strength.