I thank you for your comments.
Yes, you're very correct that it's a high-risk program. And we know that we're not going to develop a perfect system.
One area where we have spent a lot of time is training, especially since 2003. We now have a complete training package on human source development and human source handling. It starts with an eight-hour Internet course that everybody can take at the RCMP; it's a mandatory training course now in Regina. The next step is a five- or six-day course focusing strictly on human source development. We also have a course on human source development for supervisors.
We recognize that the whole area of human source development is important; we have to have people who are trained and who understand that when somebody brings us information, we have to take independent steps on our own to corroborate the material being brought in. We have to have some method to evaluate the information that's being provided to us.
I think we've been quite proactive and have had an awful lot of strong partnerships across the country. We have presented our courses in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. In Alberta they have essentially adopted the course, and our delivery net as such, exactly as we have written it. I know that in Quebec we work very closely with the people who manage the internal program in that province, and they also put a lot of focus on the intake, on the assessment, and on the protection agreement.
So I would say that training is one area. Another area, though, where I think there's a bit of a gap—