Do I personally? I'm not speaking for the RCMP, and no, I don't.
It's really a challenging issue because there are lots of times when we sit here and we'd like to be able to tell you that this is what happened, and not make it as difficult as it is.
I think that when the legislators got together to make that act, they knew it was going to be a challenge. They knew what we were going to face down the road, and there's not an easy answer.
Even if it's a group of parliamentarians sitting in secret, then where's the public interest really in that? I think people still think that for things to be truly transparent, everybody needs to know the story.
It's a case, I guess, that the more people are exposed to it, the more we could undermine the program.
But to your initial question, if I understand correctly, if there's a particular aspect that you want to examine, if it's a committee in secret and if the act allowed for that, then I would say certainly.