Thank you, Chair.
Thank you to the two panel members.
I agree 50% with Mr. Cullen, but I do believe that this program, not necessarily the other one he talked of, is effective.
When we talk about the civil liberties of the individuals who are refused the opportunity to fly, I understand that issue. But I believe, and I think most Canadians believe, that the civil liberties of people flying on the aircraft are also important. Those innocent people who get on the aircraft have every right to believe, as Mr. Cullen indicated, that there will be some way to check that the other passengers on that aircraft don't represent a threat to the travelling public. From that perspective, I agree with the plan. Equally, as he has indicated, I recognize that it won't be perfect, but without any plan, I don't know what protection there is for the travelling public.
I know that a great deal of the negative things have been focused on the American program, but this is not the American program. Would you confirm for Canadians that this is a Canadian program, made in Canada for Canadians, to protect them--