Third, I travelled to Cuba, but I went to Club Med.
Fourth, when I was a young lawyer, before there was legal aid, I defended many terrorists to provide legal assistance. The difference between legal assistance and legal aid, is that lawyers are given low fees under the legal aid system, whereas at the time, we didn't receive anything by providing legal assistance. As a young lawyer, I felt that we had a duty toward society to provided services free-of-charge.
Fifthly, I interrogated several RCMP officers over the course of my career, and many did not appreciate the experience: they are probably still upset with me.
How many reasons would I be able to give you , if I do not know why I am on the list? Wouldn't it be easier to do a quick check to see if it is the real Serge Ménard who is on the list, or if it is someone else who has the same name, etc. Did I have a professional relationship with these people?