Right. Again, there's a tremendous variation in retail size here. You can have tiny little operations that are basically a farmstead with an anhydrous ammonia storage bullet attached to it. There are also large commercial facilities. I come from a very small town, just northwest of Winnipeg. The site they have there is approximately half an acre. It's tremendously small. But there are other locations that are ten acres big, and they have large anhydrous ammonia storage bullets, liquid fertilizer tanks, large dry fertilizer storage tanks, pesticide warehouses, fuel storage, custom applicators, all at the site.
In terms of gross revenues, it's somewhere between, yes, I would say $1 million to about $5 million gross revenues annually. As part of our member category, one of the questions we do ask is average gross revenue, and I think the highest category goes up to between $5 million and $6 million.