Thank you.
We made a commitment to have safe and secure borders. One of the things that were causing Canadians some alarm was the fact that when dangerous situations developed at the border, when they had information that possibly armed individuals were approaching a border from the United States, when maybe individuals were fleeing a crime, or maybe even planning a crime, our border officers felt they were not properly equipped. Many times that would result in their leaving their posts and other armed presence having to be called in. That, of course, is a safety and security issue, but it's also a prosperity issue, because once a border closes, especially if it's at a major border point, the lineups become considerable.
I'm going to ask Mr. Alain Jolicoeur if he would like to comment, if that's all right with the honourable member, in terms of where he sees this first emerging as the training advances, and the key spots at which you will first observe this.