On your website, if I have it correct, you say:
“Signs of Sudden In-Custody Death Syndrome include: extreme agitation, bizarre behavior, inappropriate nudity, imperviousness to pain, paranoia, exhaustive exertion, “superhuman” strength, hallucinations, sweating profusely, etc.”
To me that sounds a lot like excited delirium syndrome.
I'd like to pursue this a bit, because that is quite a different thing from someone using a taser as a last resort before lethal force. I'm wondering whether you could get to a point, if someone is in this excited state.... It seems to me there could be many circumstances when a law enforcement officer presented themselves in front of a person who's about to be arrested who could exhibit these signs. It seems to me that could be quite common. Then the taser might put them over the top. In other words, they're in this agitated state, they suddenly get tasered, and that causes other physiological responses that might cause a heart attack or something else.
I wonder whether either or both of you could comment on what I just said.