There are, and we cover that very extensively in training.
Again, it goes back to the 50,000 volts that I mentioned at the beginning. That allows the energy to arc through up to two inches of clothing. We fire out two darts. So if you think of it as jumper cables, it's a positive and a negative. If you have only one of those darts making contact or if one of them is further than two inches or five centimetres from the body, it's not going to be able to arc the distance and connect to send the signal into the body.
In fact, in the studies we're seeing today, the number one reason for the taser not working in the field is a missed shot, meaning that only one dart hit or they were wearing a very thick coat so that, for example, if it swung away more than that distance, it would not make the connection and send the energy into the body. Then the officer would have to resort to another tactic with the taser, or another tool.