There's a twofold answer to that.
Number one, when we've done the science.... In a lot of our human studies now we're doing as long as 45- and 60-second continuous exposures so that we make sure medically we can show there's no higher degree of risk in those cases. On the practical application side, in working with the law enforcement community we don't want to limit.... Again, it goes back to what Mr. Palmer said, that we don't limit a guy hitting somebody with the baton twice or spraying with the pepper spray once, or shooting a single bullet. So we're giving them a tool that they will again, through policy and training, have to know how to implement and apply. And until we see medical research that says there's that certain risk, we've made the device work for a five-second cycle. At that time the officer will evaluate if they are going to have to use another application of the taser.