I think so, especially if it's an independent program that is accompanied by other measures for local police forces and communities. An independent program would always apply to the most stringent protection measures, but there's also a multitude of protection measures that can be handled by police forces and that can be offered insofar as these police forces make witness protection a priority.
I don't know if you'll allow me to digress. I don't want to take too much of your time. There's also another way to approach organized crime. And that is to confront this kind of intimidation by taking it seriously. One of the ways to prevent witness intimidation is to react very harshly in a practical way as soon as there is any intimidation. This wasn't done as often as it should have. We are aware of the fact that certain people were intimidated, but we tend to think that it's too difficult to investigate, that we won't come up with enough evidence and that it's too complicated and we go on to the next case. That's also very important. So we need an ongoing national program of local measures including some that can be taken by citizens' groups and non-governmental organizations, as well as an approach which takes all cases of witness intimidation, whatever they may be, very seriously.