Thank you very much.
In fact, others have brought Commissioner Silk to my attention, including serving and former members of the Ontario Provincial Police. I take heart in the fact that he is now much revered by past and serving members of the OPP. I also note that he brought in fundamental reforms and he was commissioner for 10 years.
With respect to the task force report and things that we are moving forward on, I guess I'd cite a few examples. A matter we've actually dealt with and on which we are now moving toward implementation predates a bit the task force report, although it was a subject of considerable discussion with the task force, and that is the RCMP's new backup policy. We are making amendments to our non-commissioned officer promotion process. We are expanding our efforts with respect to recruiting. We are actively engaged in identifying improvements to the internal governance structure of the RCMP. The report, of course, makes some big recommendations with respect to governance, but we are looking at how to better support decision-making within the force. We're engaged in work to do that and to better support and manage the work of our senior executive committee. We're also making changes to the structure of that committee and the individuals and some changes to the personnel on that committee. In fact, I made an announcement today with respect to the appointment of a new chief financial and administrative officer and a new chief human resources officer.
We are certainly looking very seriously at a number of other areas, including in relation to how we can best tap into senior NCOs. The task force recommends that we look at the model of the Canadian Forces. They have a chief warrant officer for the force who sits as a member of General Hillier's executive committee. I've met with General Hillier and with the force's chief warrant officer, and I expect we'll be making some changes with respect to that.
I guess the good news and the bad news is there are lots of things we're moving on.