I think it's better than it used to be, and certainly the advent of integrated border enforcement teams, where we have more men and women from the RCMP working in closer collaboration with other both domestic and U.S. law enforcement and public security agencies, has been a very positive step forward.
We've done a couple of pilots, including in the area of the seaway and the Thousand Islands, referred to as Shiprider. I was down in the fall with a number of individuals, including Mr. Wilkins, the U.S. ambassador, to meet with members of the U.S. Coast Guard and the RCMP, who were doing joint patrols, and that proved to be very effective.
We'd like to see that pilot lead to the creation of a number of significant enhancements. There are some impediments to doing that on an ongoing basis. We've been working with the Department of Justice and others to bring forward proposals with respect to how those impediments can be addressed.