Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I just want to tell you how thankful I am that you've taken on this task, Commissioner Elliott. It's going to be a tough one, and I'm sure you're up to it.
Just to give you a little history, first of all, I'm an MP from British Columbia, and the RCMP takes care of the policing in British Columbia and has contracts with the municipalities. I was a mayor for nine years of a small community of 16,000 people, and we went through that 15,000 threshold on those contracts. The way it works is that if the population in the community is under 5,000, you don't pay anything; if it's between 5,000 and 15,000, the municipality pays 70% and the federal government pays 30%; and then if it goes over the 15,000 threshold, it's a 90-10 split.
In our community the policing contract took 24% of our tax revenue, and even at that we were still understaffed in the local detachment. The morale was down in the detachment and there was fatigue, and this is just asking for problems, not only for your staff but also with how they respond if they're in a fatigue situation. I know these contracts are coming due in 2012, and I really believe something that needs to be addressed by the federal government and the RCMP is how we are paying for those RCMP costs. If municipalities cannot afford to pay for the full complement that they need to adequately police the community, then it's just going to cause problems.
Is there anything that you can see in the future, in what you're looking at as far as addressing some of these issues, where you'd be looking at the cost of paying for policing?