I think sometimes there has been an understanding, or at least an impression, that not having enough RCMP officers is a result of a lack of capacity. You had indicated earlier, and I was very pleased to hear it, that this is not about capacity, it is about the need or goal of recruiting more individuals. I'm pleased to hear that.
I don't wish to get into the mechanics of how people are hired and leave, but it leads to something else, and that is whether exit interviews are done when people leave the force. I'm not talking about people who are retiring; I'm talking about other people who leave, whether that is then looked at in terms of a piece of research to give the RCMP some ability to plan around recruiting, by looking at the reasons for people leaving. Do you have any idea how this would compare with other police forces? I assume you may have--I'm not sure, it's a very stressful job--a higher number of people leaving than you might see in a different kind of organization. Nevertheless, is there research you can look at about why people are leaving and plan from that? Is it possible, perhaps, to provide to us at another time the percentage of officers who leave who are not leaving as a result of retirement and how that might compare to other forces?