Thank you very much.
First let me thank you all for being here and talking to us about this very important issue.
We all recognize that while policing is a fundamental need in society, it's very difficult to do. You have a very difficult job. Whatever we say here by way of preface to our questions is not meant to be critical. We're trying to elicit information or your thoughts.
One of the impressions I get from reading the literature is that when the Dziekanski matter arose, the VPD had bought 70 new devices. I believe the RCMP added 160 new devices after that. I also remember reading about a region in Ontario going ahead, or wanting to go ahead, to purchase dozens of these devices.
The impression that we as politicians got was that the police were saying, “Look, we're going to go slow and look at these issues. These are very serious issues.” But the actual events led me to believe that that didn't happen--so much so that the RCMP didn't fully implement Complaints Commissioner Kennedy's report.
I would like your response to the impression I've given you. If I'm wrong, please say so.