Okay, thank you.
Actually, at an earlier meeting of this committee I was asked to follow up with Chief Blair about perhaps a tour of the training at the C.O. Bick training centre, and he put me in touch with Inspector Eley. I can report to the committee that they're happy to organize a tour. I gather plans might have changed in the interim, but they will be very helpful in organizing a tour if we want to do that.
I'd like to come back to the question of--if I can call them this--the rules of engagement, or when tasers are to be deployed. I presume the Toronto Police Service, in addition to training, has some manuals, has some definitions of when tasers should and shouldn't be used. I don't want to read that into the record today or anything, but could you make that available to the committee at some point, the rules of engagement or the policy rules that define when the taser should be used and when it shouldn't?