If I may add to that, it certainly is a question that concerns the board very much. When the annual reports are provided by the chief on the use of tasers, the chief is required to describe or list each use of the taser: what the incident was, who deployed it—was it them, the task force, or some other unit—what the reason was for which the taser was deployed, and what type of deployment happened.
If we see any anomalies, or if something doesn't look like.... For example, if the taser was used and there were a number of what is called EDPs, emotionally disturbed persons, the board is bound to probe for further information on those incidents in order to understand what the circumstances were in which the taser was being used. This is done in a public meeting. We make sure all those community organizations that have appeared before the board to speak on the issue of tasers are advised, so that they are able to be there. The reports are posted ahead of time and provided to them, and they are also able to raise questions. In fact, at least once a year, if not more, we have that kind of conversation in public about the uses of tasers.