Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I appreciate the invitation to be before you.
I propose to provide you with the position and the statement of the chief of police of the Toronto Police Service, William Blair, and then indicate to you the topics and the areas upon which I can comment or explore with you and invite you to ask me questions. I'll be guided by your questions.
Chief Blair has gone on record saying:
There has been considerable comment in the media on TASERS and whether or not they are appropriate for police use. TASERS have an important role to play in protecting the public and our officers from violent people, as well as protecting violent people from injuring themselves....
Organizations that use TASERS must have the proper policies and procedures, the training and the supervision, to ensure they are used in the right circumstances, for the right reasons. Within those policies and procedures, there must be clear accountability and transparency. In Ontario there are many examples of police officers exercising good judgment in the use of TASERS to resolve tense and dangerous situations. These examples exist because the use of TASERS has been implemented with proper procedures, training, supervision, and transparent accountability.
In Toronto, we have devoted considerable time and resources to canvassing North American police practice, to ensure we provide those using TASERS with the best training and supervision, and the policies and procedures that provide clear guidance on when and how they are to be used.
The work that has been done cannot and should not be overlooked in the public debate about the place of TASERS in our use-of-force continuum. Police officers across Ontario are professional and dedicated to the safety and security of their communities. Let there never be any doubt about that. With clear policies and procedures, a well trained officer with a TASER, properly supervised and fully accountable for all use-of-force decisions, can save lives. They have done so in the past and will continue to do so in the future.
The record of TASER use by the Toronto Police Service shows that officers are using good judgement under difficult circumstances and making appropriate decisions to use the minimum force necessary to resolve often tense and dangerous situations. The TASER has proven to be effective in reducing injuries to the public and the officer, particularly when other force options such as the baton or firearm might otherwise have been deployed. Consequently, the Service believes that with proper policy, procedures, training, and accountability, the TASER is an appropriate police force option that can help improve public safety.
I can provide information to the committee on the nature of the device and its deployment in Toronto; how the device might be used; the accountability, policy, and governance of the use of the device; the training that surrounds the deployment of the device to our officers; legal issues we've had to consider and respond to; and medical and safety issues we have researched and that may have arisen.
I am at your disposal.