Dr. Butt, who is the forensic pathologist, said that one of the conclusions he drew from his reviews of the studies then available was that more than one expert in the field of cardiology and electrophysiology has been consulted about the issue of the taser shock being capable, or potentially so, of producing fatal arrhythmia of the heart called ventricular fibrillation. He says:
There seems to be general agreement that in but one or two circumstances, most notably persons with pacemakers, the electrophysiology of the normal heart would not be affected by discharge of the Taser shock/energy when the weapon is used properly.
There are two more things I want to say. It must be remembered that in my role as police complaints commissioner, I do not have the power or the jurisdiction to ban, approve, or otherwise regulate the use of weapons in the province; I can just make recommendations. That's the sole jurisdiction of the Solicitor General and/or the Attorney General.
In conclusion, having said I am not in a position to approve the taser, I am nevertheless not advocating a moratorium on its use at this time. Apart from anecdotal accounts of inappropriate use of the taser in situations where it ought not to have been used, there is not, to my knowledge, a body of evidence that directly connects taser use with resultant death as its sole cause. In my opinion, what is required is further study, further independent testing, and training.
Because I've gone over time, I'll try to fit some of the rest of it into your questions. I hope they'll be responsive.
Thank you very much.