This is a bit of a loop we get ourselves into through the Gordian Knot of whether the device causes death. At the end of the game, do you know how often? What's the material risk? I prefer to approach it on the basis that we've already authorized police officers to use guns that cause death. They're taught to shoot to the centre mass, so you're likely to die or be seriously injured.
My operating assumption is that the taser causes, at the very minimum, pain, and for some high-risk people there may be the risk of death. When I juxtapose it to a gun, the gun obviously is much more lethal than that, so for that reason I put the taser in with the baton. My assumption isn't that it's perfect and flawless. It may cause death, but statistically it's going to cause death less often. As long as you use it in circumstances where it's justifiable....