Correct me if I'm wrong, Commissioner Ryneveld, but if I remember correctly, when Victoria adopted the use of the taser, it at least assured me at that time that it would be used as a replacement for lethal force--at least in the conversations I had. I have no notes to back up anything; I didn't keep any of that information with me. That is essentially what Commissioner Kennedy is now recommending, but not what was recommended by your study or the Victoria Police study.
The problem I have, my concern, is that I agree with Commissioner Kennedy that there has been usage creep, and that the RCMP in particular has been absolutely negligent in the way they have allowed that usage creep to happen. They have not educated the public, and they seem to be acting totally imperviously to the recommendations you made upon being requested by the minister.
I just want to put that on the record, because I believe that's absolutely irresponsible for the RCMP to do. They are a police force that deals with the public, and obviously they need to deal with issues that are important to public safety.
I come to my question to you, which is on the medical aspects of it. You say you have not been asked--that's not your mandate--but that is an important question. In fact, you have the authority to ask that question of yourself and examine the medical aspects of this issue. I would ask you to seriously consider doing that, because nobody else seems to be doing it. We've asked the minster to order a comprehensive national review on these issues and he hasn't done so.
So I would urge you to think about it and tell me if that is within your purview—to ask that question of yourself and then do the study.