Your point is a valid one, I think, in the sense that it's a catch-22 with respect to a moratorium, where you wouldn't have the ability to collect the data.
I have just one more quick question, if I may, to Ms. Hall. I think this is some of the work you'd like to do more study on, and I hope the federal government will fund some of your research, because I think it's very useful. We'll talk to the parliamentary secretary afterwards.
It's the idea of whether there is a profile—in other words, this business of cause and effect—of what the police or law enforcement call a “client” that would lead law enforcement more easily to use a device like the taser. I think we've touched on some of it: that people in very drug-induced states or people in this state of delirium would necessarily be of the profile that would lead to the use of the taser, which would actually be the kind of profile that would be the problematic one.
Is that the kind of work you're going to do, or do you know the answer to that?