The point to this is that if anybody anywhere along the line had done their job on that evening.... Remember, he was let back into that secure area because he was lost. He thought, “I'm being taken out of here”--even though he didn't want to leave--“because I'm supposed to meet someone here”. That's the point he was trying to make. It's the point his mother made to everybody. Once he was out he was let back in, not escorted by a security guard, but by a chauffeur, a guy who had a card that allowed him to go in and out of the area on a security clearance to pick up VIPs. That's who let him back in and got him into that no-man's land between those two doors where we found him. And there were no security personnel around. They were nowhere to be found.
At the end of the day, the tragedy in this is that we see the last 24 seconds of his life. In those 24 seconds the police arrive and make a decision about using the taser as they enter the scene, before they've even talked to him. The witnesses hear them say that and the audiotape makes note of that. So they made that decision without thinking.
They then approached him without taking any more time or effort because they felt entitled to use that weapon at will. If there had been any thought given by anybody to what happened on that particular evening, Mr. Dziekanski would still be alive today.
Those are my submissions.