We have to understand that everyone thinks the gold standard of death investigation is the autopsy. It isn't. It's the history, the scene, and the body. With the situation you're speaking of, the multiple applications of tasers, this would be the taser that's held against the skin. Each time it is discharged or moved, etc., it leaves a very distinctive mark on the skin. In the situation you're describing, I would see these pairs of electrode marks all over the individual and would start to ask what's going on. Is there a definitive finding at autopsy that would say the heart stopped because of this, or what have you? No, there wouldn't be, but if you're looking at that type of...it's torture. What you're describing is torture.
You can put enough stress on the heart with prolonged torture that the heart in some cases will stop. You don't see any changes in the heart itself, but you're looking at the injuries on the body. To give you an example, I have seen an individual beaten to death with a coat hanger, believe it or not. All the welts, hundreds of welts on the skin, were from the coat hanger, yet you looked at all the internal organs and there were no injuries. What did they die of? The release and stress of adrenalin--we've talked a lot about adrenalin today--to the point that they died.
I'm not sure if that helps.