To use the terms exactly, delirium tremens is a specific medical condition associated with alcohol withdrawal. What we're talking about is excited delirium, which is not acknowledged as a medical condition but is known to law enforcement personnel, paramedics, coroners, and forensic pathologists. It is a syndrome caused by a variety of sources, most particularly what are known as sympathomimetic drugs, which include cocaine and the amphetamine drugs, but it is also associated with acute psychoses, such as schizophrenic states and bipolar affective disorder exacerbations.
In my view, the problem with this state is that all of the excititory functions in the physiology of the person are switched on. There is full discharge of adrenalin, which causes the heart rate to go up. Adrenalin, by and of itself, is a risk for heart rhythm abnormalities, even from an internal source. There's a rise in the body temperature. In that sense, it's somewhat like heat stroke, which we know can be fatal as well. Any time a person has an elevated body temperature there is a risk of damage to the brain and the enzyme systems of the body. As well, the person has maximal production of a substance called lactic acid. That occurs because of the failure to deliver oxygen properly to all the tissues that are exercised, particularly the muscles, which are the major consumer of oxygen in this state, especially when the person is fighting, wrestling, and trying to get away from the threat they perceive.
This witch's brew--and that's the best description I can use for it, and I'm not sure what the translation of that would be--causes great risk to the person. I think Dr. Dowling and I would both agree that the person may well die just from the state itself. I personally have seen that in my emergency medicine practice, which is what I did before I was a coroner.