I haven't heard of it. I will acknowledge that Taser is very aggressive in defending its reputation. I attended a conference in Seattle--and I mentioned that two years ago--where Taser was presenting. The conference included Taser International, the American Civil Liberties Union, and, I think, Amnesty International. You can imagine having that group of people in the same room. It was an interesting combination--and there was a member of the Ontario coroner's office. It was wonderful because he had no bias.
At the very end, after all the discussion and Taser saying there was no association of deaths with their device, no proof, someone presented the one case I spoke to you about that worries me personally, where a taser was applied for three minutes. I was amazed at how the claws came out from Taser. I really was. I was a bit shocked. They were just all over this person.
I don't know. Not having put taser specifically onto a death certificate myself, I can't say what Taser International's response would be, and I'm not sure.... I haven't heard confirmation of that from the States.