Yes, I believe so.
The origins of this set of arrangements we have with first nations goes back to about 1997, where individual first nations came forward and said they would like to start charging their own sales tax on sales on reserve of, generally, tobacco or fuel products or alcohol. Beginning in 2003, we put in place federal legislation to support a first nations goods and services tax, whereby first nations could enact laws imposing a tax exactly like the GST on their lands in connection with all sales of taxable products under the GST that take place on reserve.
Currently we have 19 of those arrangements in place, and we're expecting to put another one in place with another British Columbia first nation very shortly. We have a number of them in place with self-governing first nations in the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Newfoundland and Labrador.
I do see potential here. There is a revenue potential for the first nations that choose to enact those laws and enter into an agreement with Canada for implementing a first nations goods and services tax. From a tax policy perspective, we also achieve somewhat more of a uniform tax landscape across the country where there aren't these pockets of different tax treatment.