I'm having trouble getting really excited about this. There was a time in the early days of my tenure here when a committee report was almost a sacred thing. The committee worked very hard, finally gave birth to it, and felt a great sense of relief and accomplishment. If anybody breached that confidentiality you felt very betrayed. That happened on very few occasions. So this is not unknown in the history of this place.
But what is unknown is that as the committee is working really hard and trying to achieve as much consensus as they possibly can, if a consensus begins to emerge, the whole sacredness of committee reports is now being undermined by the Prime Minister. We had a report coming out of the agriculture committee about labelling of food, “Made in Canada”, etc. They were achieving a high degree of consistency and consensus, and two days before it came out the Prime Minister--I guess somebody on your side told him what was going on--pre-empted the work of the committee and made the announcement.
Today we have another example. One of the committees has been studying the free trade agreement with Colombia. They even travelled to Colombia about ten days ago. A lot of Parliament's money was spent to send the whole committee to Colombia. They are on the verge of reporting, doing the best work they can for their colleagues in Parliament, and yesterday the Prime Minister announced that we're going to have a free trade deal with Colombia.
I'm about to throw my hands up and say “Perhaps the Prime Minister has already decided, and two days before we table our report in Parliament he'll make an announcement, so what are getting all excited about?” The sacred traditions of this place are being eroded, and we should be awake to that. Each one of us gets paid to be a member of Parliament to participate in the ways that are open to us and put a serious attempt into our work. When somebody else is scooping our work, then all the work we're doing here on whatever study we're doing becomes less valuable, and one has to wonder if one is wasting one's time.