Let me tell you this, Monsieur Ménard. We are alive to what organized crime does. We're alive to what terrorist organizations may do. Organized crime and terrorism has been a priority for the RCMP for a number of years. We would look at every case with that in mind and we would use whatever resources are available to us in order to be able to determine whether or not there is a threat either to the government or to individuals. The checks that are requested of us to do at the outset, the pre-appointment checks, are only on the individual, not the individual's associates. In the case of a minister, it would be on the minister alone.
Knowing that, and with the hypothetical situation that you have put forward, if it were to come to our attention, and knowing what we know based on what we do, we would conduct all those checks. There are many options. As Commissioner Paulson said, there are many options. It could be that we do nothing. It could be that we do something. So we go from doing nothing to notifying PCO as to the results of our investigation, if you will.