No, I understand that. I understand there's a process and you did the updated background checks in April 2008. And certainly I know you can't answer for the PMO--and we'll have a chance, hopefully, to do that--but someone in the PMO who's responsible for making sure the Prime Minister doesn't get into trouble because there's a minister who has some relationships that are a cause for concern must have flagged this. I just find it impossible to believe that no one flagged it. I find it surprising, frankly, that the PCO didn't flag it at some point in time to someone in the PMO. To raise it with the minister would be a bit delicate, I agree.
So that never happened. With the newspaper reports and all the photographs of all these organized criminals with Ms. Couillard, you concluded that there's not any evidence to suggest that has any substance to it, and therefore we're not concerned?