I think in regard to this issue we're talking about one particular cabinet minister and his association with one particular person. My colleagues have indicated that everybody knew that person and have made certain assumptions about whether or not red flags should go up. I saw perhaps pictures similar to what you did and others did, and to what my colleagues on this side did. We didn't know the individual. I don't know why they would assume you should know the individual, or that the PMO should know the individual, or that anyone else should, and they should have done something about it. It seems that if they knew, they should have brought that issue forward and certainly didn't.
From your evidence to Mr. Norlock, I think you were not informed by them, if in fact they knew this person and were concerned about security. If that is in fact the case, I don't know why we keep sitting here and trying to beat you over the head, and the RCMP and everyone else, about something that they think they knew but didn't tell anyone. I don't know if you can tell us that there's some magic thing out there that--I think it's a UFO kind of thing--that PCO would then assume that they should be concerned about a security issue about something they don't know.
I'm afraid there's probably not an answer in there, or a question, or whatever, but the whole thing seems to me to be ludicrous. We're looking at some kind of conspiracy theory among the RCMP, PCO, PMO, and the only people who seem to know all the dangers are the members of the opposition. I do respect you here and I don't know how you can answer, but try.