I might start by answering about the Supreme Court and my colleagues might want to add something.
The Supreme Court provided a formula to assess the legitimacy of a detention that gets longer and longer and this is the formula we intend to apply without codifying it in all its details.
Therefore, the bill contemplates regular reviews of the individual's detention and the factors to be assessed are those spelled out by the Supreme Court, including the passage of time and what it means for the danger the individual represents etc. The Supreme Court spelled out a number of criteria and they will be applied case by case by the Federal Court judge. We believe that giving this power to the Federal Court judge ensures the required fairness and judicial review.
Another factor provided by the Supreme Court is that detention in matters of immigration must necessarily have deportation as its purpose. It is another aspect that needs to be taken into account in the Federal Court review, every six months, the legality of the individual's detention.