He appropriately has jurisdiction for a number of those.
We looked at concerns that were raised around this table. We looked at other jurisdictions, and that's why I have made references to the role of the special advocate. We looked at some of the shortcomings of the U.K. model. These are the areas that are under my jurisdiction.
There is an interesting provision in this new legislation in paragraph 85.2(c) that along with everything delineated here in terms of protecting the individual, the judge has some sweeping—and I'll very cautiously use the word “liberal”—powers to do a number of things that aren't delineated in the act if he or she feels that it's going to be in the interest of the person being detained.
So we are not only dealing with the exact items I mentioned--some of which you have mentioned in your list there--that would have application to this act without having to delineate them. The judge is given some specific powers, if he or she determines that it's in the interest of that person being detained, to allow other provisions and extensions of these curtailments of liberty you just mentioned.