I appreciate that. In 1865 my relatives came from the Kashub area of Poland.
Anyway, we're not talking about the average immigrant; we're talking about somebody the state says has not come to Canada through the legal immigration process, or they have, but because there are several hundred thousand people per year coming in.... All of a sudden we've discovered something about this person that puts not just some doubt, but serious, significant doubt.
It could be a person who surreptitiously sneaks in. And we're not just talking about terrorists. It could be people in organized crime, or espionage agents. They've come into our country, not on an airplane, but all of a sudden their body is on our soil. We listen, and we say, well, you know.... Of course they're going to say they're going to be tortured if they go back, because they don't want to go back.
I'm not talking about your relatives who have come here. They went to the consulate or the embassy, filled out the papers, and they came across. That's the average. As Mr. Cullen said, we're talking about 28 people over a period of 30 or 40 years. We're going to spend a heck of a pile of resources making sure that....
As I said, and I go back to when I started this statement, I understand the concept, but it's not as easily articulated as you've mentioned. Your relatives probably came across through the right process: the immigration process. There's a difference here, I think.