You apparently don't understand our procedure very well. Wait until the end of the process; you'll understand better.
For the moment, you nevertheless have to realize that the Supreme Court accepts this kind of process if it is improved.
We can have a difference of opinion over the improvement. You can obviously have a different opinion from that of the government as to whether the improvement is enough to prevent a successful challenge of this bill before the Supreme Court. In the meantime, it must live. However, we can improve it, and that's what we're trying to do right now.
I listened closely to your proposal, Mr. Neve, which moreover took up most of your speech. I understand that you are rather in favour of the person choosing his own advocate.
We're told these lawyers will need training and security. You know that, once the person has chosen his lawyer, the lawyer will be asked to submit to a security check to determine whether he or she can in fact be trusted with secret documents, so that the secrets are kept, and that he or she will be given that training.
Is that how you would adapt this? That would enable us to avoid needlessly training a lot of them.