At the risk of raising the ire of certain seatmates, I have to say this, going along with Mr. Oliphant's statement that this is a new committee. We're in the Ottawa bubble here, but I think when the people of Canada see us working on issues, they—at least I, and I think most people—would expect that those issues would result in some kind of decision, or some kind of legislation, or some kind of action that government takes. You can look at all the mechanics and niceties, but in the end....
Here I'm going back and I will not talk about it again. Yes, we are a new committee, but we've used up a lot of valuable taxpayer dollars, analysts' time, our time, and research to deal with issues that are not only legislation. The chair brought up the fact that on those two issues I brought up before—the DNA data bank and the sex offender registry—we're almost mandated to do something. So let's do something about it, and we can work those other things in. Otherwise we're just going to be going along with the issue du jour hoping that something happens about it. People expect to see results from our labours, and that's why I brought up those two subjects.