Certainly. If you don't mind, I can take that back; I know that the director, in October 2006, spoke to a number of those. I think of the 23 recommendations--and that has become sort of a buzz phrase, if I may say--there were only six recommendations that mentioned CSIS specifically. For example, I think recommendation 13 says that we should have the yearly human rights record assessed by the Department of Foreign Affairs. That's done.
I believe that in the minister's letter, which was tabled before the committee and about which some people didn't say awfully nice things.... But if you go through it, look at the recommendations, and match them, there is quite a lot there, frankly, because I think recommendations 11, 14, and 15 all deal with information sharing. Therefore, if you address information sharing, you address three recommendations.
But certainly, if it would help the committee to have that.... There may well be some repetition, frankly, in terms of responses, depending.... But yes, if that would help the committee, I'd be happy to take that back and see if we can do that.