This is to the Privacy Commissioner. In your report, you made a comment: “There may be ways to make the scheme more effective through increased resources or through procedural changes that would enhance the effectiveness and value of the legislation without increasing its intrusiveness.” When I read the words, “without increasing its intrusiveness”, I understand, don't put in mandatory inclusion and don't remedy all these various problems.
What I'd like to know from you, either today or through a written response at some point, is what you would suggest to improve the system to the strongest possible level without violating privacy rights that you are responsible for. That is something I want to address.
I am going to suggest one potential compromise. If the legislation is made stronger, and I'm not going to suggest what should be included, but if it is made stronger to try to address some of the problems, what about a potential compromise? Right now section 17 of the statute provides penalties for the improper use of the information. One suggestion perhaps, and I'd like to hear your opinion on it, would be to make that even stronger, to really provide a disincentive to anybody to improperly use this information at the same time as we're strengthening the legislation to make it more helpful for preventative types of activity.
I'd like your comments on that.