There are several possibilities.
One potential possibility would be the Auditor General. I know the Ontario Auditor General reported on the Ontario registry in 2007. The Ontario Auditor General came to the conclusion there was no clear evidence the Ontario registry was effective.
You could retain academics who have expertise in social sciences, in criminology.
This is a very complex issue. I've looked at studies that have been done with respect to the registry in New York State, which came to the conclusion there was no evidence the New York State registry is effective.
This is, admittedly, a very difficult issue, partly, as I think you discussed on Tuesday, the challenge of proving a negative, and that's part of the challenge. But since the effectiveness of the registry is such a critical issue to your process, I really think it would be very valuable to have an assessment of whether it's working, and if it's not working, why not, before you make significant changes.
Thank you.