I found the reference that I mentioned earlier. It is from the Auditor General's May 2007 report. I would like to hear what Mr. Prime and what the Quebec representatives have to say about this. The Auditor General is talking about the RCMP forensic labs:
Although it can process urgent service requests in less than 15 days, they account for only 1% of all service requests. In the remaining 99% categorized as routine, the FLS is unable for the most part to meet the 30-day target it has set for them. While average turnaround times have improved for all other types of analysis, for DNA analysis requests they have worsened—from 91 days in 2003-2004 to 114 days in 2005-2006—despite increased spending and additional staff. The backlog of DNA requests is a major contributor to the long turnaround times. Although the labs now have [...]
Do you see any value in the objectives that were set at the outset? Is a turnaround time of 114 days too long to be acceptable? In Ontario and in Quebec, it takes you more than 114 days to deliver the current DNA analyses.