Thank you very much for being with us today, and thank you for your testimony.
There are three areas I want to get to, although I may not get to all of them. One has to do with labelling or profiling, the second has to do with security certificates, and the last area is general oversight.
In particular, I want to talk about and get more comment from you in raising the case of Ahmad Elmaati, because he's a constituent of mine. He is not unusual in my riding; he's an average person in my riding. Yet in the process, we can see from the Iacobucci report that the profiling or labelling of Mr. Elmaati, and particularly the way it was communicated to the Egyptians, probably led to his longer incarceration, further torturing, further deprivation, and more restrictions on his human and civil rights.
I just wanted you to pull out a little bit more about not only the labelling, which I think we can all understand is wrong, but the communication of that labelling in regard to CSIS, which came up clearly in Mr. Iacobucci's report, and how that has infringed upon his human rights.